So let’s talk about another one of my favorite products for this dry Western New York summer.  My last product blog was for dry hands and body. But we can’t forget about our dry and itchy eyes.

I have to start by saying, none of our eyes are the same. Also, it clearly varies which products works the best best in some degrees of choice. I’ve learned in my own research that there are products that tend to be better than others.  Please put into your search factor that paying more, isn’t always best. For example, some products from the same company burn my eyes, even though they may makes excellent quality in different versions.

My eyes tend to be very dry in the summer months and dryer during allergy season. Many drops will work to relieve my dryness, but the relief doesn’t last very long and I find myself using the products too often. In the morning,when  my eyes are dry, I put a couple of drops of REFRESH Liquigel in my eyes and believe it or not, my eyes are fine for the rest of the day.

I also like the ingredients…based on my own conclusions, the ingredients in the Refresh Liquigels are more on the desirable side rather than the undesirable side and what goes into them is ideal for someone using eye drops on a long-term basis. It also has an accepted safety record. Some eye drops are now known with many risks. I consider this to be a very important information for what I put into my eyes, for me as well as anyone else, I think this is very important to know. I think for many users this may be more extended relief than many of the conventional products, and it is certainly worth a try.

These are one of the few eye drops that I’ve tried that does anything significant for my dry eyes. It’s pretty soothing and keeps my eyes moisturized. However, they also blur my vision upon use, so keep that in mind if you plan to drive or want to see the computer screen, wait and let the drops settle.

So if your looking for dry eye and redness relief, give REFRESH Liquigel lubricant  eye gel a try.

Just a note, I have trouble finding this in the grocery store, so I buy it on Amazon.